Darren Thornbrugh Ecologist

Geospatial Analysis, Forest/Vegetation Ecology, Fluvial Ecosystems, Bioassessment, Water Quality, Watershed Science, Statistics

National IWI manuscript

12 Dec 2017

The National IWI manuscript now available online.

The manuscript, “Mapping watershed integrity for the conterminous United States,” is now available online in the journal Ecological Indicators.

50-day free access link to the article: download manuscript


Author list: Darren J. Thornbrugh, Scott G. Leibowitz, Ryan A. Hill, Marc H. Weber, Zachary C. Johnson, Anthony R. Olsen, Joseph E. Flotemersch, John L. Stoddard, and David V. Peck

Darren Thornbrugh, Ph.D. Fig. 3. Thornbrugh et al. 2018, Index of Watershed Integrity for the conterminous United States showing higher integrity in bluer colors, moderate integrity in yellows, and lower integrity in redder colors. Because watersheds of consecutive stream segments are nested and overlap, each value is mapped onto the most downstream catchment within each watershed.